We Are a Go for 2023

Thanks to everyone who responded to my email so quickly. I’ve heard from at least 20 owners who want to play again in 2023, so we are go for the 30th season of this league.

In a week or two, I’ll update the site with more information, and the first playlist of the season will be posted by Monday, Sept. 4.

If you know of others who might be interested in playing this season, please send me an email, or have them send me one. I’ll be happy to follow up with more details.

Can’t wait for the regular season to kick off in a little less than a month.

John K.

Anyone Interested in Playing in 2023?

Hi All:

I plan to post and send out a more formal email on Aug. 10, to see if anyone is interested in playing this league again in 2023.

In the meantime, I’m conducting a simple test, to see if anyone checks this site.

If you see this post, send me an email to johnkffb@gmail.com and use the words “I’m interested” in the subject line.

The first five owners who send me an email between now and Aug. 10 with that subject line will receive 5 free additional trades for the 2023 season.

John K.